Sunday, January 12, 2014

Join the current

   A smile is contagious. Energy is transferable. Good deeds can be paid forward. I've always had big dreams. I've always had great ideas. Yet I did nothing about them. These potential monuments were filed away in my mind for all of my life, until now. Why the sudden change? Inspirational people who valued and encouraged my ideas.
  Recently, I've surrounded myself with like minded people. Creative and motivated free spirits. I feed off of their contagious energy. Now I find myself in this current of productivity and don't see myself stopping anytime soon. It came so easy to me, once I was touched by the epiphany these souls brought on. Now it's my turn to pay it forward. I have opportunities to offer.
   Enjoy music? Come out to Irene's every Saturday and Sunday to sit in on a free, live, acoustic concert by the talented Mr. Danny Caudle. Sit all day if you'd like. Gregory, from oakhurst, sat all day watching Danny play. Glad to make your Saturday an eventful one , Mr Gregory.
From left to right: fan Gregory, Danny C.
     Want to do more then just sit and listen? Feel free to express yourself. Feel free to join. A couple men felt the need to jump in yesterday. One man playing his guitar right along Danny. Shortly after another jumped in to sing. The energy was high and beautiful. It was touching to watch those around me express themselves. I was more than thankful I got to catch this on camera. I'm curious to see who might jump in today and I'm more then ready to catch the act in the moment.

   Music not your thing? Maybe you're more into photography,modeling, management, or hair and makeup. I am scouting models, assistant photographers, model managers, and makeup artists. I currently opened up an etsy shop. I buy and resell clothes. I'm looking for women and men all shapes and sizes to model second hand clothing. Also, someone to help direct the models. Another set of eyes behind the camera would bring so much to the table. Someone to help me view the models in a different light would be ideal. Anyone who can fashion the models hair and makeup to match the clothing would be such a great help. Come join my team.
Model Tatiana Johnson 

   I have so much to learn and I have so much to offer. If you're ready to express yourself creatively and feel you have something to offer our team please contact me I would be more then willing to speak with you. I want to pass on this epiphany. Join the current.
Stay tuned for I have much to share.
<3 Allison Shockley

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