Sunday, January 5, 2014

A new year!

   Like most of society I just want to get my name out into the world. Recently, I've had a profound epiphany. To be happy in life I must always be working on something creative. If I don't then I just sit around getting whiskey drunk while chain smoking. At the age of 26, I look back on my life, and realize I'm done wasting away. Although it was fun, it got old, and I'm ready for a game changer. My blogs soul purpose is to help enlighten the world with the things that I learn over the next few years. From fashion to photography. Busking to arts and crafts. I'll be sharing my journey with all of you. In hopes to teach and also to learn. 

   Lets get 2014 off to a good start. I've begun many projects. Button earrings, paper mâché flower clips, photo shoots, a blog, an Etsy account, and reselling clothes. All derived from the same goal. To save up enough money to travel the world. Am I crazy? Possibly. However, at least I'm not wasting away on a couch somewhere anymore.

   This epiphany all started when i met an amazing man. What are the chances that you meet someone with the same goals, aspirations, and values? Slim to none. He opened my creative flood gates and now I'm roaring to go. As partners in crime we are always on the go. Not a single dull or unproductive moment to be had in our household. Join us over the next three years as we prepare for our travels. Stay tuned for I have much to share. <3



  1. hey there, your blog is really coming along great. you changed the look and feel of it. are you guys still planning on touring? how is that dream coming?

    1. Hello Michael, Thank you for your interest in our blog. I wouldn't call it a dream to travel since we are working very hard to make it happen, but yes we are. We busk on sat and sun, we sell clothes online, and we do music/photography gigs to save up money for our adventures. 48 more weeks to go and counting. So, tell me did you hear about my blog?
