Monday, January 6, 2014

Busking in The Tower District

  There is something powerful about a man standing on a street corner singing his heart out. It encourages smiles. When hearing a familiar song temptation to chime in arises. However, the courage never seems to develop, the lyrics are usually only muttered, and then the reality of how gutsy one must be to busk sets in.

   Danny Caudle is a courages 30 year old man. Originally from Portland Oregon, he moved to fresno to work for his family's company in order to save up money. He wants to, one day, travel the world. Danny's motivation? His objective? His purpose? Music. He wants to learn every culture's music style in the process of his travels. Until then he plans to save every penny from his Monday through Friday office job and busking on the weekends. Who wants to work a nine to five forever?! This man has a lot to offer to your free spirited side.

Don't believe me? You can catch him this Saturday and Sunday at the corner of olive and linden. Enjoy your breakfast at Irene's with Danny's interpretation of the artists you love most. Or you can catch him on his Facebook page Danny Caudle Music.
"A passerby said she was harmonizing with me during my last song.  I asked her if sge wanted to sing a song with me.  Nothing more than a lot of fun today" Said Danny on a Facebook post.
  He encourages his audience to engage in his performance. The true making for a fun atmosphere. Danny caulde's street performance will soon be the new "it" day time event.
Stay tuned for I have much to share!
<3 Allison Shockley 

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